First post and what this blog is about

Welcome to My name is Mark and my goal is to document my journey through Hosted Bitcoin mining.

On my blog I will document my journey with experimenting with Hosted Bitcoin mining. I want to track my progress, share all the revenues and costs, and see whether with some starting capital making living through Hosted Bitcoin mining is possible.

The goal is to give monthly updates on how much bitcoin I was able to mine, what were my costs, how much I paid for miners and any other details that could be interesting to the readers.

I was always interested in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, but never really dipped my feel into it until now. I am looking at this purely as a revenue generating business. I am not an Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency expert. I know something about it, but definitely I consider my self beginner. I don’t know much about Blockchain, how it works, etc…I am mostly familiar with what has been written online – terms like decentralized currency, hedge against inflation and limited supply. But that is about it. So really, for me this is a business venture. I am sure I will learn way more about BTC on my journey though.

With that being said, let’s get started and mine some Bitcoins

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